Inspired by animations and comics from an early age, Jimmy Horner found his passion by becoming an animator based in Maryland. He works with both physical and digital mediums to create his animations and comics. Jimmy has taught art in several settings including Austin PARD's Totally Cool Totally Awesome classes, merit badge counseling for Boy Scouts of America, a teacher at Hagerstown, Community College’s College for Kids Program and a teacher at Art Way Alliance in Maryland.  In college he majored in Visual Arts with a concentration in Animation. Currently Jimmy works as an Illustrator and media producer for the education company Pearson.

After graduating from University of Maryland Baltimore County, Jimmy started creating medical animations and advertisements at a company called VueCare Media. One of his animations was aired on Fox after winning two spots in the Gotham Fan Trailer Competition. Jimmy continues to spend his time working on animations and small comics for the web.  Look through the site to see his portfolio and a few of his other works.